about Judy
I create unique ceremonies that tell your love story
Judy Ginsburgh is an experienced wedding officiant and former wedding planner.
She is an ordained Rabbi and also a Certified Prepare-Enrich Facilitator.
She specializes in Jewish weddings, interfaith weddings, multi-cultural weddings, LGBTQ+ weddings, same-sex weddings, themed weddings, destination weddings, commitment ceremonies and renewal of vows ceremonies. If you have had trouble finding someone to officiate your wedding, Judy may be the answer.
Judy has over 15 years of experience in the wedding industry. She is a former wedding planner and has officiated at dozens of weddings and created all types of ceremonies - religious, non-religious, same-sex, blended families, commitment, renewal of vows, initmate or with lots of guests.
Justin & april
As a former wedding planner and experienced Officiant, Judy shares lots of creative ideas and rituals that can make your wedding uniquely yours.
Jewish rituals, Lasso ceremonies, Jumping the Broom, Unity Candle, Sand Ceremonies, Handfasting, etc.
Let's talk about special rituals to make your wedding a day you will always remember.
sarah & cory
Laurie & Lacy
Not Your Typical Wedding
If you have had trouble finding someone to officiate at your wedding, Judy may be the choice for you. She is available to travel anywhere for your special day. She has officiated at weddings all over Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana and even in Mexico. She is an LGBTQ+ ally and performs same-sex weddings often. As a Rabbi, she performs Jewish weddings, but also interfaith, multicultural and non-religious weddings.